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Covid-19 Safety Protocol
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Inis Cairde is committed to doing everything we possibly can to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The following are guidelines we are adopting based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. These guidelines/protocols may change as new recommendations and information become available. Any changes or updates to this protocol will be communicated to parents via email and posted at raleighirishdance.com. (Updated 7/1/2022)
If you or any member of your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19
If you have experienced any of the COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days:
Dry Cough
Difficulty Breathing
Loss of Taste or Smell
If you are awaiting results of a pending Covid-19 test due to symptoms or known direct exposure to someone who is positive.
If you have been advised by a healthcare provider or health department to quarantine
Curbside drop off and pick up is requested to limit capacity in our lobby area.
Students are not required to wear a mask to enter the studio, but they are still highly recommended if you are unvaccinated.
Once they have entered students will place personal items in cubbies and proceed to a marked spot on the floor
Students are not required to wear a mask during workouts, unless they are more comfortable doing so
Stations and activities will be set-up to maintain social distancing
Hand sanitizing stations will be available at the front door as well as in both studios
Students must come dressed and ready for activity. Older dancers may put shoes on upon entering the studio.
Students may bring a small bag to keep items separate and clean
Students should bring a personal water bottle / jug
Follow social distancing guidelines and rules by your teacher
Staff will help to sanitize high touch areas prior to and at the end of class
Staff will wear a mask at their discretion
High performance air purifiers are being used in the studio, which run daily and each night after classes have concluded
Parents should drop their students off curbside if possible to limit persons in the lobby.
Parents should not drop students off for activity prior to 5 minutes before scheduled class time.
Parents need to be on time to pick-up in order to allow staff time to clean prior to the next group.