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Meighan holds a BS in theater from Northwestern University and became a certified Irish dancing teacher, or TCRG, in 1999. Since founding the Inis Cairde School of Irish Dance that same year, her program has grown from its fledgling start of about 35 students to being one of the most respected competitive schools in the southeast.
With nearly 20 years of experience teaching Irish dancing, Meighan’s passion for nurturing children through the world of competitive Irish dancing is paralleled only by her knowledge of sport itself. As the only certified Irish dancing adjudicator (ADCRG) in the state of North Carolina, she travels frequently to judge throughout North America, bringing home even more insight into this continually evolving art form.
In solos class (or individual dancing), Meighan devotes her time to developing positive, constructive working relationships with each of her students, tailoring her teaching style to each dancer’s personality. Her unique connection with each of her students inspires them not only to test their own limits in dance, but to celebrate their individual victories, and those of their peers. Meighan has a particular affinity for competitive teams, or group, dancing, not only because of the required precision involved, but because of the collaborative work, communication skills and cohesive effort required to achieve it.
Respected by her colleagues, Meighan has served as her region’s representative to the Ethics Board of the Irish Dancing Teachers Association of North America (IDTANA), and has served four terms on the IDTANA-Southern Region Executive Board. Locally, Meighan has appeared as a guest lecturer on the history of Irish dancing in NC State’s music program, and has choreographed for the Burning Coal Theater Company.
When she’s not teaching, traveling, or spending valuable time with her husband and two very energetic sons, Meighan loves to be out in her garden, covered with dirt, and hopes to pursue a certificate in Horticulture from NC State.
Meighan Carpenter, ADCRG (Owner)

Brita Kiser, TCRG
Brita began dancing with Inis Cairde while completing her undergraduate degree in biology at Duke University in 2000. A student of multiple forms of dance since childhood, Brita quickly progressed to the championship level, competing at multiple major championships, including Oireachtas, Nationals and the World Championships, in both solos and teams. Brita retired from competition in 2006 in order to focus on teaching at Inis Cairde, and passed her certified teacher’s exam, or TCRG, in the spring of 2011.
Brita’s upbeat personality and enthusiasm for teaching children and adults combine to produce a supportive, structured environment in all of her classes. With a wealth of teaching experience that includes not only eleven years of teaching Irish dancing at Inis Cairde, but a Masters in Science Education, and experience teaching full-time in both high school and elementary school, Brita’s clear communication and multi-faceted approach to different learning styles inspire each dancer to achieve and celebrate his or her own personal goals and milestones.
The proud mom to four beautiful children, Brita loves to bake, and when she’s not teaching, she enjoys volunteering at her church’s vacation Bible school and nursery.

Cara Stackpoole, TCRG
Cara grew up in Detroit, MI, where she took Irish dancing as a child with her two sisters at the O'Ceallaigh and O'Hare Schools of Irish Dance. After a young adulthood of traveling around Europe, her Irish roots compelled her to revisit Irish dancing as an adult at Inis Cairde in 2001, and she has never looked back. After an impressive adult competitive career that included solos at Oireachtas and Nationals, and teams at the 2009 World Championships in Philadelphia, Cara passed her certified Irish dancing teaching exam, or TCRG in 2014.
A mom to two elementary schoolers and Inis Cairde instructor since 2006, Cara’s favorite part about working with children is getting to know each of their unique personalities and watching them grow. She also has a particular passion for Inis Cairde’s adult program which, under her direction, not only offers enjoyably-paced and welcoming classes, but the chance to become part of a tight-knit, supportive group of adult dancers who meet monthly for pub nights, perform together at all different venues, and travel to competitions.
During the day, Cara works as a programmer in Morrisville. She enjoys traveling, spending time with her family and playing with her Bernese Mountain dog, Marlo.